Kyudo Association of Canada - Edmonton Dojo

Kyudo was introduced in Edmonton by David Austen, who brought the first yumi as well as his practice and knowledge of Heki Ryu Bishu Chikurin Ha to the Capital Region Archery Club. 

The shift to the IKYF Renmei style of Kyudo happened around 2018 when Héloïse Torck began leading regular weekly practice sessions, which started the Edmonton Dojo. Since then the group has slowly continued to grow, practicing together every week and oganising yearly seminars. 

Thanks to the support of Capital Region Archery Club, the Edmonton Dojo is able to provide yumi (bows), ya (arrows), and kake (gloves) for beginners in addition to a regular place to practice. 

Visiting Our Dojo?

VISITORS WITH NO PRIOR KYUDO EXPERIENCE: we welcome beginners to drop in on our regular practice to check out Kyudo and see if it is for you. If you are interested in learning Kyudo, you can join our practice to begin learning the basics.

VISITORS WITH PRIOR KYUDO EXPERIENCE: please contact  If you are a member of the International Kyudo Federation or All Nippon Kyudo Federation, please have the head of your dojo carbon copied on the email. 

Where to Find Us?

We practice at Capital Region Archery Club in Edmonton Alberta at 5618, 76 Ave NW. 

Parking is available in front of the building.

Access to the building is keycard restricted, if you are a visitor please knock.

Practice Times

We practice weekly on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.